Serving Counties of Benton, Cass, Crow Wing, Douglas, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, and Wright.
Monday through Friday 9 am to 4:30 pm
ASK ABOUT RESCUE REWARDS: I participate in the Hale Pet Door Rescue Rewards Program and give a 10% discount on a Hale Pet Door to people who have rescued their pets.
HAVE QUESTIONS, NEED MORE INFORMATION OR NEED TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT: Please call or email me and I will reply within 24 hours on business days.
ALREADY A CUSTOMER? LET US KNOW HOW WE DID: We love to hear from our customers to know how we are doing. If there was a problem with our service, please let us know so that we have an opportunity to make it right. Customer service and satisfaction are the highest priority with Central MN Pet Doors and Solid Results K9.